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PHP classes

Download and connect PHP classes for accepting payments and payouts.

Invoicing for payment

    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/BertyAPI.php';

    $berty_shop_id = 'your_shop_id';
    $berty_secret_key = 'your_secret_key';

    $BC = new BertyAPI($berty_shop_id, $berty_secret_key);
    $params = [
        'amount' => 100,                        // required parameter, payment amount
        'currency' => 'USD',                    // required parameter, currency, example: USD
        'order_id' => 1,                        // mandatory parameter, the unique numeric identifier of the payment in your system, example: 105485
        'comment' => 'comment',                 // optional parameter, payment text comment, example: service Order #150800

    $response = $BC->create_order($params);
    if ($response['error']) {        // $res['error'] - true if an error occurs
        echo $response['message'];   // $res['message'] - the text of the error message
        // actions in case of an error
    } else {
        // creating a payment form
        <form action="<?php echo $response['data']['url']; ?>" method="post">
            <button>To pay</button>
    <?php } ?>

Payment verification

    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/BertyAPI.php';

    $berty_shop_id = 'your_shop_id';
    $berty_secret_key = 'your_secret_key';

    $BC = new BertyAPI($berty_shop_id, $berty_secret_key);

    $response = $BC->confirm_order($_POST);
    if ($response['error']) {                               // $res['error'] - true if an error occurs
        echo $response['message'];                          // $res['message'] - the text of the error message
        // actions in case of an error
    } else {
        $id = $response['data']['order_id'];                // unique numeric identifier of the payment in your system, example: 150800
        $hash = $response['data']['hash'];                  // hash, example: bde834a2f48143f733fcc9684e4ae0212b370d015cf6d3f769c9bc695ab078d1
        $currency = $response['data']['currency'];          // the currency of payment example: USD
        $system = $response['data']['system'];              // system, example: Berty
        $amount = (float) $response['data']['amount'];      // invoice amount, example: 1.0000000
        $transaction = $response['data']['transaction'];    // transaction number in the system Berty: 96401

        echo $id . '|success';                              // required to confirm that the payment has been credited

Instant payments

    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/BertyAPI.php';

    $berty_shop_id = 'your_shop_id';
    $berty_secret_key = 'your_secret_key';

    $BC = new BertyAPI($berty_shop_id, $berty_secret_key);
    $params = [
        'email' => '',                          // required parameter, email пользователя
        'amount' => 100,                                    // mandatory parameter, the amount of the payment
        'currency' => 'USD',                                // required parameter, currency
        'comment' => 'comment',                             // required parameter, comment

    $response = $BC->user_transfer($params);
    if ($response['error']) {                               // $res['error'] - true if an error occurs
        echo $response['message'];                          // $res['message'] - the text of the error message
        // actions in case of an error
    } else {
        $transaction = $response['data']['transaction'];    // transaction number in the system Berty: 96401

The balance of the purse

    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/BertyAPI.php';

    $berty_shop_id = 'your_shop_id';
    $berty_secret_key = 'your_secret_key';

    $BC = new BertyAPI($berty_shop_id, $berty_secret_key);
    $response = $BC->balances();
    if ($response['error']) {                               // $res['error'] - true if an error occurs
        echo $response['message'];                          // $res['message'] - the text of the error message
        // actions in case of an error
    } else {

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